Monday, June 22, 2009

Vacation Day 1

On our way to Gatlinburg, TN we stopped and ate lunch at Cumberland Falls. Cade and I have been doing a Kentucky study this summer and have learned about Daniel Boone since he spent a lot of time in KY. We know that he went through the Cumberland Gap which is very close to the falls. We decided to visit the falls since it's more exciting than the Gap itself. It was blazing hot (high 90's), but the kids thought the waterfall was cool. Cory loved walking around and peeking through the fence at the top of it. We think she might be the hiker kid, stay tuned. Oh and this waterfall has a moonbow when the moon is full. Only this waterfall and Victoria Falls in Africa have a predictable moonbow. Pretty cool for little ole KY.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you're having fun!