Tuesday, May 5, 2009


So today was a big day for some of us in our family...

Cory - managed to hurt herself 3 whole times and before I get a call from CPS - YES I watch my child. I watched her dive head first off the coach today b/c she was running on it and I couldn't get to her fast enough (despite the fact that I TOO was on the couch). I also watched her fall off the kitchen chair and then seriously HANG from the table until Byron could rescue her. I then also watched her smash her finger in the bathroom cabinet door while I ummm sat in there with her. SO YES I watch my child - today I just happened to not watch her very well. (Doesn't the sitting in the broken chair thing, just LOOK dangerous?? Oh and yep there's a water bottle again)

Cade -  well poor Cade, nothing really major happened in his life HOWEVER he still has that loose tooth and well quite frankly we ALL know that, that alone is enough excitement to last at least until his birthday.  And well maybe if I hadn't been watching my daughter so well I may have noticed something big HE did today. The pictures that are posted at top are from school yesterday. The book we read referenced Goldilocks so we went around and tried out all the chairs (there are way more chairs in this house than I realized). I made him try the high chair and well this was the response. We had a good giggle over it. We also, worked on money and he helped roll a bunch after he counted it. So see he did something!
Byron - Today was Byron's first solo flight. Which means he got in the airplane and took off, flew around a bit and landed alone NO INSTRUCTOR - eeek! Yes, this made me nervous. I knew he was going to do it before he left so I said extra prayers for his lesson today. Of course he did awesome and was pretty pumped when he came home. The pictures are somewhere on this post. The shirt is cut out b/c once you do your solo flight they "cut your shirt tail." He said that along time ago when people flew behind each other the instructor would pull on your shirt to give you instructions. Once your shirt tail is gone then they don't do that anymore (which isn't totally true - he still has a lot of lessons to go, but he is definitely on his way) You also know he is thrilled b/c he let me take these pictures! 

Me - I ran 3.2 miles today WITHOUT stopping!! It only took 4 months to accomplish, but hey I did it - FINALLY and I didn't die!


tracy said...

Way to go B, that's awesome!

Heather said...

Awesome, Byron! So proud of you!