Sunday, October 11, 2009

well hello there...

Yep It's me. Since it's already 3:23AM!! I decided I might as well blog about what's been keeping me up so late tonight. THIS GIRL'S blog, that's what. What an amazing story and she has an amazing personality. But beware: if you read her blog you WILL cry, trust me, I know! I found her from Oprah, I was catching up on all my Oprah's I had taped from this week and man did she have some doozies... Stephanie's story as well as a 7 year old with schizophrenia. So incredibly sad! Both of these stories make me step back and look at my life and feel sooo incredibly blessed! I find myself having pity parties sometimes, sometimes too often and ALL THE TIME they are unnecessary. God gives me these sob-fest stories to remind me to keep it real, get over it, and to help me realize that I have it SO incredibly good around here.

I am more blessed than most and I am thankful!

1 comment:

leahmarieisme said...

I dont want to go where you are to feel blessed, lol. I get my "reality dose" by watching Kate Mcrae on
I am glad God can put us back into story or another! Next time we complain...just remember (and remind me) to be a child of LIGHT because we know someone is in a darker place.