Friday, December 5, 2008

December 5th

Decided today was a good day to be thankful for the opportunity to homeschool Cade. I realize that not everyone has that desire and that is ok. It isn't for everyone, but I really think it's for us. I didn't used to though. I never really thought I would actually do it, guess I figured I would be in a school system. Man am I happy I'm doing this instead! Cade has done great and seems to be such a sponge! I also love the time he gets to spend with us as a family. With Byron being gone for 48 hours at a time and Corynn being so much younger, I just really value the time we all have together as a family. Just today we were able to laugh at Cory today as she stole a paper from the refrigerator and then hauled off with it in her hand. (She was in the walker) She totally knew she wasn't supposed to have it. Glad we are able to share those little silly things together. I'd imagine as Cade gets older I may not think HSing is all that great, but if his good attitude keeps up then that would be awesome. It will be interesting to see how Cory is... not rushing that though!!

He loves this board (and yes we have a school room, but Cory was asleep and the daycare girl was roaming so we couldnt' go upstairs.)

Our book this week was based in Italy so momma got to bust out the college Europe picks and impress a boy... he's sooo good to me. "YOU'VE been there!!" thanks bud! We also talked about occupations and totally said that being a mom (on his own) was an important job, a "really important job" - yes he knows who butters his bread.

Favorite math "game" - store. We go to THE walmart, and target, and toys r us most often. this kid will pay $20.01 for a baby doll, and $5.37 for a red marker and doesn't even complain.

wohoo Friday!! This is Corynn's DAILY... get out of the bathroom!!

We had "family movie night" as Cade calls it. We watched Elf and ate popcorn. The movie was cute. Cory was only present for umm this picture and the rest of the time she pulled all the toys off of the shelf. oh and please don't look at all the toys under the couch (now you will for sure huh). I apparently didn't know all that was under there...

Here is Cade with his tree. It is all FD stuff and he LOVES it! and YES those are very fashionable room darkening curtains back there. You too would have these very fashionable curtains if your son got up entirely too early every morning!!

Cory has one too but will have to post later.


Anonymous said...

i'm so impressed he's adding and doing money.

ok, make me feel like a loser mommy. I gotta get working on that!

Heather said...

Glad you get to be at home with Cade! He's so smart!

Bethany said...

Carson flipped when he saw the book on the table, since we are doing the same title this week! We had a great week with that title too!