Thursday, December 4, 2008

December 3rd

I didn't' do so hot with the picture taking today. I blame it on the day flying by and with minimal drama. So definitely what I'm thankful for today! **insert: i'm posting this at 1am so see, flew by!!**

Ahh (more like uggg)... too early...Daycare girl arrived.

Ahh... lovely naptime for both little girls. back to normal.

But hey like I said, the day wizzed by. Probably b/c I spent most of it working on Christmas gifts online... and how come the computer screen doesn't photograph well?? I don't get it!!
(the laptop does ok though.. hmmm?!?? Shelley ask Dustin why??)

And here is Cade's "daily" - a bowl of cereal. Everyday! Unless I insist on him changing it up. He would also eat a PBJ everyday too if I let him... man if he starts counting toothpicks on the floor and reading the phone book I'm going to get a little concerned... (see here if you are confused)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He definitely...definitely won't count toothpicks.