I decided that I wanted to attempt Ali's December Daily project AND I loved Kristin's 30 Days of Thanks so this will be a merge of the two ideas. I'm sure it will just be a normal mish-mash (as LA says) of stuff, but hey, I'm making an attempt to post every day (well for this month!).
I am thankful for the coziness Christmas decorations bring me each year. Byron and I just love sitting in the living room with only the tree lights on. To add to the coziness it snowed for most of the day. Of course none of it stuck to the ground, but it sure was cold and I was thankful to be inside. Oh and thankful that Cade is so into helping put out the decorations, he helped a lot and it's so much more fun with help. (Byron's relieved too, he has never cared much for it. He DID however, put up outside lights for the first time ever!! love love love them and him too!!)
I have yet to master the art of taking snow pics!
As for the daily part:
We continued to plug on with school work today. He had a 4 day break and was a little out of the habit. He rocked his Explode the Code book and handwriting today (something he really struggles with.) Amazing what a little effort can do for a person!
Cory ate puffs as usual and looked cute.
I also posted the usual insurance payments for the doctor's office. Fun times, it's bad though when you start at 9:30pm... stinking blogging.... it will be a late night.
AND.... Day ONE of the advent calendar/doors. Bethany shared what her church group was doing and I decided to do it too. So December 1st was 2 quarters and the paper read: " A quarter! That equals 25 cents. But 25 also stands for the number of days till Christmas, when God gave us His best present. Jesus told about one woman's gift and the way she gave it. Read Mark 12:41-44" I think this will be a fun way to bring more of the Real meaning of Christmas back into it for Cade. I loved how there was a part in our story for the week (for school) A Clown of God that connected with this idea of the widow's offering.
Cory is sooooo pretty :) And she also looks like she's posing (future Tyra) :)
Love you Teaque :) Miss you... hugs!
Ps. My new Christmas tradition seems to be that I'm at the Walmart every day lately... buying odds and ends...a mish mash of sorts ;)
hugs hugs hugs!
Great post! I'm looking forward to your daily postings this month! :)
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