Thursday, November 13, 2008

yep - me again...hard to believe

UPDATED: So I got a little blogger antsy and posted too soon. I went to the fabric store last night and was thoroughly disappointed. There was not a single fabric that I wanted to make these out of. I even looked at Wal-Mart's fabric... nope, nada, zilch. However, W-M had some cute premade stockings AND a tree skirt to match for a reasonable price, so I got those. Oh well, like I really had time to make them anyway.... :)

I'm thinking about sewing my own Christmas stockings this year. Cory doesn't have one and the other 3 we have all match so that would just be wrong to have hers be the only one different. I kind of think it would be easy... (am I right??) Anyone ever done this??

I'm thinking these for me - LOL!! What do you think Heather?


Funky Finds said...

love it! i want a twilight stocking!!!

Heather said...

OMG!! You'll have to make me one too!