Wednesday, August 20, 2008

6 months!

I love how Shelley does the monthly updates on her blog. I can't seem to keep up monthly, but hey better every so often than never, right? Today Cory D turned 6 months old. It seems like she was just born and I can't believe she is already HALF a year old!! WOW! Her little personality is really starting to show and I love seeing who she is becoming.

At 6 months:
*She can sit up - and that is ALL she wants to do. She is very nosey and wants to see everything that is going on.
*Is eating some cereal
*Is eating baby food - she has tried all veggies and loves them. We will be trying fruits next
*Is learning to drink water from a sippy cup
*Still nurses every 5 hours (Can you believe we made itthis long???) and yes we still have milk frozen too!
*No teeth yet - and I am totally fine with that!
*Is sleeping about 8pm-9pm to 6am - 8am most nights. We had some rough weeks where she went back to waking up in the night but is back to sleeping again - thank goodness!!
*Wakes up so happy and smiley. She will lay in her bed and just talk and play.
*She is starting to reach for you to pick her up.
*Will still NOT stand in your lap - the doc says it's a weight thing...
*Last time she was weighed she was about 18lbs - she goes for a check up on Monday so we'll see what she is now.
*Loves to play in the water - baths, the lake, and the pool
*Is pretty spoiled and doesn't like to be left alone for very long.
*Smiles so big at Daddy and Cade when they talk to her.
*and I almost forgot - she wore her first frilly dress the other day too WITH a big ole' bow! It was pro pics so I'll show when I get them back.

I look forward to many more days/weeks/months/and years with my sweet little girl!



Bethany said...

She is a cutie...the half year thing seems crazy!!!

Rainy said...

What a beautiful little girl. It is great that you have put into words things down that line your memory may forget. Believe me from a Mom of adults put it down on paper. Hugs

Unknown said...


And TWO updates ... WOW!

Kristen =) said...

Look how happy she is... Adorable.

Anonymous said...

She is too cute!!!!

Inka said...

awww, she´s such a cutie!
looks like she knows when to pose. hihi. :)

Anonymous said...

You mean no Disney pics yet? ;)

Haven't you had time to go through all 1500?! Slacker.